Happy Boopday! 🎂

It’s August 9, 2023, and it’s a very special “Happy Boopday” to Betty Boop, who made her debut in Dizzy Dishes on August 9, 1930.

Unfortunately, Betty’s real birthday had already passed, her real birthday, as set by Max Fleischer, is actually April 1st. But only die-hard “Boopers” are aware of this.

Rather than her actual birthday, Fleischer Studios and King Features have consistently staged a birthday celebration to commemorate her debut. Betty was born on April 1st.

Betty Boop was born April 1, 1915. Want to know her age? Do the math.

Betty officially turned 16 on April 1st, 1932, before her official debut in Stopping the Show, released on August 12, 1932.
Betty, according to Fleischer, was born during the 1910s.

Betty’s age varies from animation to cartoon since the Fleischers couldn’t decide on an age. She was 13 turning 14 in one cartoon, and is officially 16. Betty is probably more or less a centenarian, as she is over 100 years old. In other media, she is a woman. Sometimes she’s a Zombie, in other words she is undead. That is how Zombie Betty Boop came to be. It really is a franchise or spin-off. So it is canon.

If you use the 9th of August as her birthday circa 1930, it knocks several years off of her age, so as of 2023 she would be in her mid to late 90’s going on 100.

However if you use Betty’s actual 1915 birthday, she is already over 100. Her 1915 birthday, well it merges with her debut in the 1932 cartoon as said above Stopping the Show.