Happy Heavenly Wishes

R.I.P. Mae Questel (1908-1998)

(Please note this is not a real song, it is completely edited. It is not A.I. either, Questel’s voice was literally cut and merged.)

This version of the song used to play in a “store or specific area” with new vocals recorded in 1998 by an “imitator” but let me just say Questel’s sounds ten times better. No disrespect to the imitator. It would be hard to beat the original “Boop-Boop-Be-Doop” girl in that category as she originated the role.

Even myself, I don’t think I could do Mae Questel justice.

I decided to work on a new updated version of Betty Boop’s theme song featuring the vocals of Questel. People probably won’t see it. My account doesn’t notify people anymore. That’s what Google and YouTube do to users overtime, when you don’t log in. They stop people from getting your notifications.

Which is fine. I did this for myself, and possible fans of Questel. Not anyone else. Thanks to those people who added hearts, or gave one of the uploads a thumbs up.

As these will be my final uploads.

The views don’t matter, what matters to me is the tribute.

There is a blunder and or small error in the video, I forgot to remove the text in the middle. For anyone who hasn’t noticed, the text is the Cuphead font. It is a sly reference to Max Fleischer’s creation living on in something new.

Not just the Fleischers but Ub Iwerks, Warner Bros., Van Beuren Studios, Terrytoons, Famous Studios, and le sigh… even Walt Disney Studios. It was more or less the Golden age of Animation. To solely give the Fleischers full credit, when Disney actually “toppled” them, would be obvious misinformation.

There’ll never be another Betty like this. Of course I like a majority of the Betty Boop girls. Well not all of them, but a majority. You’ll certainly know if I like them or not. But can’t be biased.

Have to continue to “Boop-Boop-Be-Doop” knowledge and wish for the best for Betty Boop, as the character lives on for Questel, who originated the most notable role way back in 1931.

Of course there were and are many more Betty Boop girls, but Questel made the character iconic.

A good example would be the reboot musical. Questel is being credited none stop in the news articles for originating the role, and also tagged in the videos.