Boop Gallery: 04/12/2022

Betty Boop and Popeye officially visit France.

Betty and Popeye are greeted by the French leader.

Sandy “Karen” Fox is still no match for Mae “Betty Boop” Questel.

NBC’s Betty Boop in person Mae Questel.

From my “Betty Boop Will Inspire” You video.

Betty Boop in Fleischer’s Animated News.

Black Betty Boop art drawn in the Bratz style.

Betty Boop is THOT.

Betty Boop parody in Charlie Chance.

Betty Boop and Snow White.

Betty Boop fashion show.

Helen Kane and Betty Boop.

Betty Boop and Jessica Rabbit. Jessica as usual looks like a Drag Queen. She’s not bad, she’s drawn that way. Badly… Reminds us of the “” crazy fandom run by some gay guy.

“What Every Little Girl Should Know” by Betty Boop.

Rose McGowan as Betty Boop.

Cabaret La Boop stage show.

A few Betty Boop girls you should know.

Sandy Fox as usual looking deluded, mindless and mad. That chin and long pointed nose of hers needs some love. Luckily for her, she’s fat now. So technically her face is no longer pointed but round.

Cartoon caricature of Helen Kane.

Ginger Pauley, a Universal Studios Z-list character impersonator

A Night In Spain

Before Helen Kane became the “Poop-Poop-a-Doop” girl she was featured in the Broadway musical titled A Night In Spain. As of 1927 the Broadway was adapted into a miniature comic strip. That mini-comic strip featured Helen Kane. A Night In Spain opened at the 44th Street Theatre on the 3rd of May in 1927. There was 174 performances. It featured Shemp Howard and Larry Fine both from the Three Stooges, Sid Silvers, Phil Baker, Grace Bowman, Betty Healy, Ted Healy, Lola Raine and more. The show moved to the Winter Garden Theatre on the 10th of October in 1927 and it closed a month later on the 12th of November.

“Hello, folks. How are you feeling?”

“I feel terrible, thank you.”

“What seems to be the trouble?”

“My wife just cooked me a cottage pudding…”

“And I must have swallowed a piece of the door!”

Boop Gallery: 12/11/2022

A Japanese postcard featuring Betty Boop.

Did you know that Betty Boop had died to make way for Sally Swing? But Betty was somehow was reborn.

12 “Sally Swing” cartoons were in the works during the late 1930s, but Sally proved to be such a flop that only 6 out of 12 were made, according to Sally’s then voice actress Rose Marie Mazzetta. The six unreleased cartoons were never released to the public, so only the debut episode “Sally Swing” exists.

Which is good, because had it been made, the story is that Betty suddenly passed away after introducing Sally.

Boop-Boop-a-Doop! Helen Kane sings as only she can.

Betty Boop in Wonderland.

WABC radio looking for the next Al Jolson and Helen Kane in 1931.

A close-up of Mae Questel from a 1931 debut article.

Boop-Boop-a-Doop means nothing according to a 1930 article featuring Helen Kane. Claims she used “Vo-Do-Do-Deo-Do” as a source to create her routine. However in court from 1932 to 1934 she didn’t mention any of this.

Helen Kane stealing Mae Questel’s “Boop-Boop-Be-Doop” catchphrase. As people are aware Mae Questel adapted Helen’s “Boop-Boop-a-Doop” into “Boop-Boop-Be-Doop” phrase. “Boop-Boop-Be-Doop” was most associated with cartoon character Betty Boop and Mae Questel. Initially Betty Boop was the “Boop-Oop-a-Doop” girl prior to Questel creating this new phrase. Of course all the catchphrases are very similar.

Helen Kane who seems to have lost weight being honored by Paramount at a party in New York in 1930, however Teacups gossip lady reporter Fanny the Fan wanted to see upcoming star Ginger Rogers. Ginger Rogers was similar to Helen Kane in her early years. And according to Kane was her only other “spiritual successor” with the other being Claire Bart. Kane gave Ginger Rogers what she didn’t give Mae Questel, her blessings. When it came to Mae Questel the one true spiritual successor, it would seem that jealousy and envy took place in Helen Kane’s heart. Kane just couldn’t bare to see Questel out-Boop her.

‘Booper’ and three ‘Oop-a-Doopers’ at trial in New York. Helen Kane insisted that the funny noises of the “Boop” and “Doop” were her own creation. Mae Questel, Margie Hines and Bonnie Poe, who made the same kind of noises for Betty Boop. Kane sued the Fleischer Studios for $250,000 for alleged infringement of her inalienable and allegedly exclusive right to the “Boop-Boop-a-Doop” routine. Kane lost the case.

Stars of 1931, featuring Mae Questel and Harriet Lee the voices of Betty Boop and Annette Hanshaw another “Boop-Boop-a-Doop” girl.

Bonnie Poe the voice of Betty Boop sued George Raft in 1934. Her case was dropped, and handled out of court.

Japanese Betty Boop artwork.

Bonnie Poe made it and not on her looks. She sang in 14 Broadway nightclubs and charmed with her “It,” she clicked with Vic Erwin as Betty Boop on the air.

Helen Kane as Dangerous Nan McGrew.

Helen Kane in A Night In Spain. This is a comic from 1927 based on the Broadway a year before Kane’s name went up in lights, and a year before she started “Boop-Boop-a-Dooping” in songs.

(Copyright: 1927 by News Syndicate Co., Inc.)

A comparison between Helen Kane and Betty Boop in Mysterious Mose. According to Grim Natwick, in that cartoon Betty Boop is shaded for artistic appeal.

Helen Kane was notable for splitting her hair in the middle and having spit curls, but she also split her hair to the side. This was a very popular flapper girl hairstyle. However Grim Natwick used a photograph of Helen Kane to create the original Betty Boop in 1930. Technically she was the model. But the Fleischers developed the character and didn’t really want Betty to be associated with Kane. Betty Boop was more associated with her voice actresses, most promptly Mae Questel the Queen of Boop-Boop-Be-Doop.

Don’t be a Poop! Vote for Boop!

Helen Kane listens to a dictaphone recording of Paul Gerard Smith’s dialogue for Dangerous Nan McGrew, while he and Director Mal St. Clair marvel at her seriousness.

A song-writer and a songster go movie. Victor Schertzinger, author of “Macheta,” and Helen Kane, of musical comedy note, take an important hand in Nothing But the Truth. He directs and she is a featured player in the film.

Chloe Bailey as Betty Boop

Remember that iconic 2021 “Betty Boop” cosplay by Chloe Bailey? In which she did a “Black Betty Boop” cosplay? Well here are some of the photos. Her sister Halle Bailey will be officially portraying Ariel the Little Mermaid for Disney for a 2023 release in which she filmed years earlier. You can read my article on why people should stop the racism and hatred against Halle and support the remake here.

Keep in mind that I use my own brain and have my own opinions and I am not one sided when it comes to being opinionated. So some things I write may or may not offend the sensitive. I say it as I see fit. If you are sensitive it best you unfollow my posts and websites and keep a distance. Though I tell people to support the film, I still make it known how I feel about the Disney company. And I also went into the truth about Hans Christian Andersen and how he probably felt when he created the original book. I know that the truth can hurt people. But it is never good to lie. Stick to facts when making statements.

For 2022 it seems that Chloe had a new look inspired by Betty Boop.

This remake about “Ariel Being Black” has a very similar vibe to the “Betty Boop Is Black” debate that often makes its way around social media. Only difference is “Ariel the Little Mermaid” actually is now officially Black in the 2023 film. When it comes to fictional characters I noticed that “people in general” don’t research and often make false claims. Also they end up “demonizing people” in the process. Sadly I am no longer able to be part of the “demonization of people” who are deceased or have done no wrong. I probably did play a part in demonizing Miss Kane but I realized that the reason I did was because of the hatred of “others” and what they promoted and I realized I never really hated that 1920s singer to begin with. The hatred formed by people on social media is merely based on “people themselves” and their own personal perceptions. If people don’t know right from wrong and like to spread misinformation that is on them. Don’t come directly to me whining. Take that elsewhere.

I support Black content creators and Black visionaries. But if people are going to cosplay at least don’t spread lies. At least tell the actual truth of what went down during the “Betty Boop” creation. Don’t try to make a character Black that was always Caucasian. But there is nothing wrong in Black girls and Black women celebrating Betty Boop or being fans. Racist and hateful Sandy “Karen” Fox who voices Betty Boop with a group of racist individuals who will not be named tried to make it seem as Black girls and Black women couldn’t like a Caucasian character. You can read about the “Karen” drama here.

Thankfully we have people like Chloe Bailey who make a statement that everyone can like Betty Boop including Black girls and Black women.

Bailey doing a classic “Boop-Boop-Be-Doop” pose. She got the garter belt right. The black heels are the alternative “Betty Boop” style, she certainly did her research. These photos are that iconic that I couldn’t help but give them attention. Hopefully they would inspire other girls to cosplay Betty for Halloween 2022.

Chloe Bailey was also giving tribute to Baby Esther Jones. Taraji P. Henson a big movie star and fan of Betty Boop, also did a little Betty Boop tribute for BET in 2021 and she also gave tribute to Josephine Baker and Baby Esther. Wonderful right? And as Mae Questel would say – Boop-Boop-Be-Doop!

Boop Gallery: 17/10/2022

Betty Boop was considered to be a wallflower in 1970.

Alice Hamada as Nippon Betty Boop.

Molly Ringwald singing her jazz “Boop-Boop-a-Doop” songs during The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episode 62.

What do people think of Betty Boop character impersonators? Yay or nay?

This is probably the best Betty Boop impersonator from Universal Studios Orlando, from the 2000s. She appeared on Celebrity Jeopardy! with a Popeye the Sailor Man impersonator.

Bitter Sandy “Karen” Fox or sweet innocent Mae Questel? Mae Questel wins of course. ❤

Karens can “Boop-Boop-Be-Doop” too!

Alice Hamada as Japan Betty Boop.

Rare “Betty Boop” commercial from the 1990s.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit photo edit by Boop-Boop-Be-Doop. Featuring Betty Boop, Snow White, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse and more.

Paramount on Parade stars featuring Clara Bow and Helen Kane.

Betty Boop’s rivals Mimsey a red head who is a Katharine Hepburn caricature and Tracy a mixture of Tallulah Bankhead and Bette Davis.

Betty Boop the Boop-Oop-a-Doop Girl and Pudgy posing and promoting merchandise during the 1990s.

Helen Kane promoting director Victor Schertzinger’s Nothing But The Truth feature film. A classic “Boop-Boop-a-Doop” film that features “Do Something” a popular “Boop” song.

Betty Boop the Box Office Baby. This is a 1932 feature in which Betty became a famous household name in America. She was on the air on radio, in the news and won the hearts of the world. Note this photo was edited by Boop-Boop-Be-Doop, and Betty initially had a distorted nose in the image on the right.

Helen Kane as a baby… Talk about embarrassing… Helen Kane is right at home in a bassinet, her plumpness not withstanding.

Betty Boop and Pudgy “Scotch” commercial released during the 1990s.

J-pop singer Kyary Pamyu Pamyu as Betty Boop.

A classic Betty Boop model sheet for “Boop” fans. This model sheet featuring Betty’s basic construction is the best and original design for the character. This is the earlier Betty, the one with the bigger head. Makes her more unique. Big heads are often ugly, but quite expressive.

Boop Gallery: 08/09/2022

Bimbo: “Hello, Betty, how’s the ‘Boop-a-Doopin’ business?”

Betty: “Did you hear the news Bimbo?”

Bimbo: “Naw, you goin’ to give up your career and get married?”

Betty: “Don’t be redic. Why, I’m just beginning a tour in person.”

Bimbo: “You’re just the type. But why don’t you quit workin’ for a living and marry some nice fella?”

Betty: “No, Bimbo, think of my public in Newark, and besides…”

Betty: “I cannot see the idea of making a million fellows unhappy, just to make one happy.”

Bimbo: “You slay me.”

Little ann Little, “Betty Boop” in person, will be at the Midland theater Sunday and Monday on the stage, together with the Joan Blondell movie, “Convention City.” A special 4 o’clock school children’s matinee is announced for Monday afternoon.

Helen Kane 1930 promo. Salute Helen Kane and her baby talk! When asked to do yes-no-and-maybe-talk, she makes an adorable pout of it. Her farce is her fortune, no doubt of it.

Poo-Poo-Pah-Doo! “I Wanna Be Loved By You” sings Helen Kane to her doll. Her baby voice will enliven future Paramount productions.

Helen Kane records two more! Helen Kane fans will be glad to know that the pouting baby singer has crashed through with another double faced record for their delight. Both songs are from Helen Kane’s new picture Dangerous Nan McGrew.

This petite miss has scored the kind of success that is dreamed about, but rarely realized. Miss Kane is a New York girl, one of the the few famous New Yorkers born in Manhattan. Though reared in the austere atmosphere of a convent, she had always a longing for a stage career. And when the opportunity came in a vaudeville engagement with the Marx Brothers, she seized it eagerly. A part in a musical comedy hit followed, then a solo vaudeville act at the great Paramount theatre in New York. It was here that the quaint and provocative “That’s My Weakness Now” made Miss Kane the talk of the town, and of the country, too, when the song was made for her first Victor Record. She was engaged for one of the big Broadway successes, and she seems destined for a successful career. Of her Victor records she says: “When people hear them, they are in a sense of hearing an actual performance. I’m sure that’s why the records have been so popular, because they have more than music on them, they have some of my stage personality, too.”

Records by Helen Kane: “Get Out and Get Under the Moon” 21557, “Is There Anything Wrong in That?” 21684, “I Wanna Be Loved By You” 21684, “That’s My Weakness Now” 21557.

Star Sketches: Helen Kane.

Teacups featuring Fanny the Flapper. Helen Kane furious over Gloria Swanson’s comments.

Helen Kane the Original Boop-Boop-a-Doop Girl.

Boop Gallery: 06/09/2022

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Betty Boop in Stopping the Show.

Ned Sonntag artist for Fleischer Studios and King Features since 1985.

Betty Boop and Gus Gorilla.

Debbi Fuhrman as Betty Boop.

Kate Wright the Mystery Girl.

Betty Boop sketch by Grim Natwick.

Betty Boop and Popeye by Myron Waldman.

Betty Boop sketch by Shamus Culhane.

Countess Cat and Betty Boop.

Koko the Clown by Shamus Culhane for the Fleischer cartoon The Herring Murder Case.

Morgan Deare’s wife Mary Healey and Betty Boop.

Margie Hines the mystery voice of Betty Boop.

Betty Boop in Boop-Oop-a-Doop.

Mae Questel as Betty Boop the Boop-Boop-a-Doop Kid and Rudy Vallée in Musical Justice.

Betty Boop in A Language All My Own.

Kate Wright as The Mystery Girl.

Betty Boop in Betty Boop’s Ker-Choo.

Helen Kane and Betty Boop.

Sandy “Farkakte” Fox the official voice of Betty Boop today and Betty Boop.